char str[]="two"; //or
char *str = "two";
puts(str); //or
char **str = "two";
%d 转换符只针对于 int型数据。
___scanf , getchar
1.before reading character, scanf will not skip empty character.
To force scanf skip the advance space, add a space befor %c
scanf(" %c",&ch); //! 跳过空格符及换行符,制表符
2,getchar 也不会跳过空白字符
2.scanf 会留下后面的字符(包括换行符),只是看一下,并没有读入。如下例中,跳过换行符,避免下次读取错误。
1 char a; 2 scanf("%c",&a); 3 4 puts("enter a command"); 5 uchar command; 6 // command = getchar(); 7 //skip a line 8 while( getchar() != '\n') 9 ;10 // same as below line. scanf("%c",&command); 11 command = getchar(); 12 printf("%c",command);
-,getchar(), scanf("%c", &ch)
The return value is EOF for an error
or if the end-of-file character or the end-of-string character is encountered in the first attempt to read a character. //in the first attemp means, eg, while( (c=getchar())!= EOF) putchar(c); after input some characters( eg,"hello"),press return key(than you will get output "hello") before you input EOF character, or you will stay in the input state.(from http://blog.csdn.net/hanchengxi/article/details/8591663)
EOF的值是-1, 所以,上面例子中c必须为有符号类型,否则就是死循环了